21 August 2011

Fwd: A blast from the past >> Marxist Eric Foner re events in 1991

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Subject: A blast from the past >> Marxist Eric Foner re events in 1991
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 10:40:00 -0400
From: Bazz Childress <basilchildress@insightbb.com>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why the Southern Cause rankles liberals[at least those who are Jacobins - whether they understand the distinction or not]

Ta-Nehisi Coates is the semi-literate senior editor of The Atlantic. His obsessive hatred of the South bubbles up in every, oh, two or three blog posts.

His latest post poses a question that only a befuddled liberal could ask: How can we admire men such as Lincoln and Grant when they held such racist views?

I'll pause here for the long, withering sigh from those regular readers who know the obvious answer: The WBTS wasn't about liberating anybody; it was about the consolidation of power. Ending slavery was a strategic move to reimpose that power over the agrarian South, which had long opposed the big-business/big-government coalition that had taken over the central government. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was a brilliant, though thoroughly unconstitutional and Machiavellian move. Not only did it prevent Britain and France from allying with the CSA, it aimed at inciting slave revolts. Achieving one out of two major aims ain't bad.

Coates' post begins with a link to an NPR piece on Marxist historian Eric Foner, whose new book on Lincoln pretties up the Great Centralizer's racial views as flawed, but "evolving." (Yes, it's okay to sigh again.) Foner, of course, admires Lincoln for centralizing power, a necessary step in creating socialism:

Indeed, Foner is such an apologist for Soviet communism that he opposed the breakup of the Soviet Union and, naturally, invoked Abraham Lincoln as his reason. He railed against the secession movements in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia in the early 1990s and urged Gorbachev to deal with them in the same manner that Lincoln dealt with the Southern secessionists.

In an editorial in the February 11, 1991 issue of The Nation magazine entitled "Lincoln's Lesson," Foner called the breakup of the Soviet Union, which at the time was being wildly cheered by freedom lovers everywhere, as "a crisis" that threatened the "laudable goal" of creating a system that demanded "overarching loyalty to the Soviet Union" while at the same time allowing separate republics to exist. No "leader of a powerful nation," Foner wrote, should allow such a thing as "the dismemberment of the Soviet Union."

He concluded that "The Civil War was a central step in the consolidation of national authority in the United States," which he of course views as a great event. One cannot adopt socialism – in the United States or anywhere else – without a highly centralized, monopolistic government. "The Union, Lincoln passionately believed, was a permanent government . . . and . . . Gorbachev would surely agree."

Foner does have a point: Lincoln's USA and Lenin's USSR were built on the premise that bigger is better. Both also used egalitarianism to justify their power and their brutal denial of self-determination for millions. And just as the Soviet Union imploded from its unsustainable bulk, Lincoln's USA is undergoing the same process of internal collapse.

Know hope.
posted by Old Rebel @ Thursday, October 28, 2010


Due to the situation in our early years, this Egalitarian claim of the French Revolution,
that all restraints and oppressions should end on humans collectively, involved “race”.
And again involves unobtainable goals – there will always be distinctions about particular
humans and the societies they produce – the great error of the Egalitarian claim is that
human freedom can be obtained by concentrated power acquired to erase such
distinctions – indeed the giving of such power in the name of producing what can’t be
produced in fact nor with such means, has produced enormous slaughters in the last two
hundred years- two of the greatest of which are the two bookends, the War for Southern
Independence and World War One
. Our world was produced from the foundations laid
in between them. Since then, erected on that foundation, is, despite showing a modern
face, that old hydra headed Ancient tyranny of which Ron Paul and so many others have
spoken but now given the modern name, Fascism. ...That Egalitarian project is a very
large part of why government has grown so large…and has helped enable our financial

17 August 2011

Lincoln on solving the "negro problem"

Lincoln --- wrong on nearly everything

Late in his life General Benjamin Butler recalled a "colonization interview" that he had with Lincoln two days before the assassination. "What shall we do with the negroes after they are free?", Lincoln is said to have asked the general. According to Butler, Lincoln then said, "I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes" (p. 109). Butler then proposed deporting the freed slaves to Panama to dig a canal, decades before the actual Panama Canal was dug. "There is meat in that, General Butler, there is meat in that," Lincoln reportedly said.

"The War Between the States...produced the foundation for the kind of government we have today: consolidated and absolute, based on the unrestrained will of the majority, with force, threats, and intimidation being the order of the day. Today's federal government is considerably at odds with that envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. ... [The War] also laid to rest the great principle enunciated in the Declaration of Independence that 'Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.'"   --Walter Williams [one of those negroes who would not be among us had Lincoln had his way]   http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/w-williams1.html 

03 August 2011

free your mind and think



A lot to read....





And, what of the Sons of Confederate Veterans? Does not the circumstances today present an opportunity to reach out with the truth of our Cause? Aren't Americans becoming more aware the country they love has been lost to a centralized government our founding fathers never intended to exist? Isn't this the time for our Confederation to grow in strength and numbers?

Our former president, the honorable Jefferson Davis, said, "The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert it's self, though it may be at another time and in another form." Question: If it is not up to us, the historic Sons of Confederate Veterans. If it is not up to us, the descendants of those who bravely fought to defend our Southern homeland. If it is not up to us, who know and understand the truth of the Confederate cause. If it is not up to us to reassert and contend. Then who? And, if that time is not here and now, then where and when?

Speaking to the Mississippi legislature in 1881, Jefferson Davis also stated, "The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena." This was true in 1881, and it's true today. It's not over! Our Southern heritage, homeland, and values are still being attacked by malicious, self serving misfits and it's up to us to stand and firmly contend for the truth and honor of our Confederate Cause. And, the time is here and now!


Let me finally close with Lord Acton (Sir John Dahlberg) . Many are familiar with Lord
Acton’s quote, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Dahlberg, was
one of the nineteenth century’s pre-eminent political philosophers. In 1866, Dahlberg
maintained a correspondence with Robt E Lee about the consequences of what had
happened to the American experiment. He remarked that,
“he mourned for the stake which was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over
that which was saved at Waterloo." And later, Dahlberg said, “The North has used the
doctrines of Democracy to destroy self-government. The South applied the principle of
conditional federation [aka shared sovereignty] to cure the evils and to correct the errors
of a false interpretation of Democracy................[and the inevitable result of an unfettered
federal government will be] the initiative in administration; the function of universal
guardian and paymaster; the resources of coercion, intimidation, and corruption; the
habit of preferring the public interest of the moment to the established law; ....... a public
creditor; a prodigious budget – these things will remain to the future government of the
Federal Union, and will make it approximate more closely to the imperial than to the
republican type of democracy…..By exhibiting the spectacle of a people claiming to be
free, but whose love of freedom means hatreds of inequality, jealousy of limitations to
power, and reliance on the [modern state] as an instrument to mould as well as to
control society, it calls on its admirers to hate aristocracy and teaches its adversaries to
fear the people."


On 7/27/2011 6:17 PM, Bazz Childress wrote: We are as divided as we ever were and over all the same issues.  The 1860s war was a continuation of a fight that started before the ink was dry on the constitution over money, banking and tax policy.....never in the history of the world did two totally different sets of humans (Puritans [Massachusetts]and Cavaliers [Virginia] culturally and spiritually as divided as could possibly be, attempt to accomplish that impossible joining.  We are now living with the cataclysmic result of making that attempt and failing to go separate ways long ago when it was plain that the Abram Lot solution was best.

There is much more to say :-)  and usually I try and say it,... but just literally don't have the time right now - Indeed, Melissa Harris Perry guest hosted for Rachel Maddow last night and talked about from the Left's perspective of course (haven't been able to find the link to her comments last night) - these very matters and that link to the War

Excerpt from a recent
SCV chaplain's devotion>>  Everywhere you look the American people are growing weary of being used and taken for granted by a government that has simply gotten too big. We the people, the majority who have supported this country and continue to do so, are tired of being ignored by a bureaucratic government that promotes it's own agenda and caters to the demands of a few malcontents. Americans are becoming more and more dissatisfied, many to the point of anger, and our elected leaders are not listening.

My responsed late Sunday evening 24 July 2011
These are significant words.   I truly believe we are entering that renewed and enlarged arena........the first financial ramification of which might be less than hours away.   This is a fight as old as the country between Hamilton and Jefferson (the banks, financiers vs the rest of us normal people).  if the creation of this current version of the US Govt can be said to come through its creation of US treasuries and the debt market in order to finance the War against the South - which was perhaps the crucial factor in the Southern loss (that issue of financing the war), then Southern vindication might come from the debt market's unravelling......done by the US govt's own hand even if it did take 150 years.....isn't history delicious in its ironies :-)  Indeed some financial/political chatterers are saying that passing a balanced budget amendent will put pressure on  the states  to help reign in the debt crisis.   

  The US or its taxpayers can repay the debt that's been run up.....Indeed gallons of Southern blood was shed to prevent the "money center" banks from saddling the taxpayer with their debt........back in the 1860s and before it was slavery that produced the cash argued over.   Today we have all become wage slaves in this system (do you feel balanced yet)??